21st century Parcel Audit service solution
CT Logistics Parcel Audit Services rein in costs.
Package and Parcel audits reduce costs
CT Logistics audits every shipment electronically to recover money from your total parcel audit spend. We will reduce your costs and save your company money with our exclusive Parcel Auditing system, the most advanced and comprehensive parcel audit system in the industry.
Reduce more than just your parcel costs
Reduced Shipping Administrative Expenses
If you are attempting manual parcel audits yourself you know it requires administrative resources, time and personnel. We will eliminate those costs, so will gain an addition cost savings.
Accounting and Customized Audit Services
We deliver client specific carrier audit services, including complex general ledger account code allocation on every shipment.
Parcel Audit services provide:
- Validation of your carrier contracts
- Visibility at the level of detail required
- Independent measurements of each carrier's service
- Effective and efficient management of your transportation spend
- Automation of your Freight Payment audit and accounting processes
Highest level of shipment visibility and reporting
- Freight Audit Savings Reports
- Shipping Air vs. Ground Comparison Reports
- Corrected Shipping Address Reports
- Collect 3rd Party Shipping Reports
- Shipments Manifested but not Delivered Reports
- Oversize Package Reports
Features included
- All rates & cost items are calculated including:
- Bundle pricing errors
- Hundred-weight pricing errors
- Dimensional and weight pricing errors
- Every shipment, including third-party shipments, are reviewed to ensure you receive all your discounts
- Every shipment audited for address or account number correction, COD, dangerous or restricted goods, declared value, oversize, taxes and more
- Every shipment audited for inside pickup or delivery, Saturday pickup or delivery, residential pickup or delivery and more
Parcel Errors Equal Money
Our Parcel Audit Service ensures that each shipment and all charges are audited for prior payment, account verification and fees for every line item. Errors are submitted to the carrier for credits or refunds.
CT Logistics' Team Approach will deliver cost savings and complete visibility to your parcel shipping with our parcel audit service.